Welcome to the Interfaith Council at FSU
The Interfaith Council at Florida State University is an organization of religious communities (click here for a full listing of our associated faith communities) who have come together from a wide variety of religious traditions to share a common interest in the free expression of religious faith in the life of the university.
The purposes of the Interfaith Council are to:
- Provide a variety of faith services and faith communities for students in coordination with the University
- Support those involved in providing faith-based services to the University
- Champion for the religious freedoms of students of the University
- Credential faith groups that seek to operate at the University especially for the health and safety of students
Here is a link to the FSU Religious Observance Policy. It can be found on the page under "Academic Policies." The academic grievance procedure is also outlined on this page.
The Interfaith Council wants you to know our commitment to you:
- We recognize your right to practice your faith according to the dictates of your conscience.
- We recognize your right to be informed about your faith in a spirit that is free from pressure, coercion or manipulation.
- We recognize your right to say “no” to unwanted or intrusive proselytism and religious hard-sell.
- We recognize your right to privacy – therefore we will not visit you without your permission.
- We recognize your right to know what religious organization you’re dealing with – up front with no hidden agendas, or secret affiliations.
The Council meets monthly to discuss issues of faith and practice at FSU. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact us.